hi there!
My name is Bianca and I'm a 20 year-old nursing student from a small town in Texas who started Celestial Bia (formerly Creativities By B) in September 2020.
Growing up, I never really got into art or kept in touch with my creative side -- let alone knew I had one! It wasn't until the pandemic hit us that year that it finally unfolded. After spending the first few months stuck in a lockdown, my friend recommended I start selling stickers for fun. So, after spending the summer saving up for an iPad & Cricut by selling secondhand clothing, I gave my creativity a try and immediately fell in love with bringing my art to life! Thus, Celestial Bia was born— a safe space for the day dreamers & night thinkers!!
Here at CB, you’ll see that it’s your one-stop shop for making creativity & self-care a priority—with adorable essentials for the idealist & empowered. You’ll find products that encourage you to be a best version of yourself & manifest your dreams!!